Friday, February 08, 2008

Ta-Da! Suburban Cowgirl:

Freakin' cute cowgirl outfit Grandma brought back from Texas for Alicia (hat is courtesy of Alex)

Posing in front of the tropical waterfall (nevermind those pillows...)

FINALLY Alex is starting to not be so afraid of animals. He never used to let Fluffy near him or want to pet him but now he is even letting him sleep on his lap! Yay!!

Ah Winter.

"See how excited I am to go for a walk finally?"

10 minutes later....

Even though its the dead of winter, Alicia can always find an excuse to wear a sundress....

Trying on (and loving) brother's new Cowboy Hat.

Nauseatingly adorable.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Few Adorable Pics

And me, snowboarding on a piece of cardboard...


Since Alex has his own blog now you will mostly be seeing pictures of Alicia and friends on here! There will still be some of Alex but we don't want to be from the Department of Redundancy Department!

Alicia took this lovely picture of me

Checking out the cat rolling around in the snow outside

Take a picture of me Mom!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Don't Need a Crystal Ball

Ty and Alicia

Ty serenading his woman

Alicia Grumpypants

Alicia and Friends

She's going to be a heartbreaker for sure

Fluffy and Keira

Uh BFFs?? Watch out Ty!

After the friends left...

Friday, January 18, 2008

This is what we do when we're bored...

Uhmmmmm yeah.

Oh Yah Bay-Bay

Hmmm wonder what inspired this?!! It sure was funny though!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alex is Movin' Up

Hi there everyone! Alex is of the age (and generation) where his interest in computers and the internet is blossoming and he expressed the desire to start his OWN blog that he had some control over as far as content. So I made him one (which I will supervise of course) and am giving him a camera to use so he can learn what is appropriate and what is not ok to do when it comes to being online. I'm hoping that he will learn internet etiquette at this early age and be more aware of the possible scammers/psychos that are out there!! So anyway, check out his blog, leave him a comment (he is soooooo happy at the comments he has so far!!) and watch him grow in his own way! Gee I wonder when Alicia will get one.... :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tuesday, December 11, 2007